


WRT2711: Travel Writing in 爱尔兰




Program 日期: 2024年6月15日- 7月6日


学术总监: 莎拉Glennon写作教授
项目负责人: 梅格Baronian, Associate Professor of English


考虑以下因素来决定这门课程是否适合你. 下面的细节.

Free time/Independence: Variable
Physical Dem和s: Moderate
Transitions: Low to Moderate
Language Difficulty: Low


什么是旅游写作? 游记, 通过定义, 写作是描述作者去过的地方和他们旅行时的经历吗. 本课程的旅行写作通常以个人散文和博客文章的形式进行. 其中大部分属于“创造性非小说类”.”


2024年6月15日- 7月6日


  • 学生将通过记笔记和写日记来加强他们的跨文化观察和批判性探究的技能, 观察, 问题, 和学习.
  • 学生将阅读关于旅行写作的技巧和子类型,并有日常阅读作业. 阅读材料还包括关于爱尔兰历史、文学和文化的文章和选读.
  • 学生将被鼓励发展自己的探究线和对爱尔兰和爱尔兰文化的特殊兴趣,并寻找活动, 位置, or topics to experience, 访问, 和研究.
  • Students will produce a portfolio of all their writing, including 8-10 pages of polished writing/essays.
  • Students will contribute to the course blog, 为家人、朋友和地标学院社区的观众创作的.

Housing, Transportation, 和 Program Activities

学生将住在都柏林和戈尔韦的大型公立大学校园里. 住房是在独立的卧室,组织成套房,共用厨房/起居空间.

Dublin, the capital of 爱尔兰, is a busy, modern city. 住房位于城市的南部,从市中心乘坐公共汽车只需20分钟. 戈尔韦是一个较小的大学城,文化丰富,艺术和音乐氛围活跃. 我们的大学宿舍到市中心步行20分钟(或乘坐5分钟的班车).


Travel to 和 From 爱尔兰

这个项目将有一个从波士顿洛根机场到都柏林机场的团体航班, 然后从都柏林或香农(爱尔兰西海岸)乘飞机返回波士顿. 

  • 每次飞行至少有一名项目负责人陪同.
  • L和mark将提供 可选 shuttle service between campus 和 the airport.
  • Students may opt out of the group flight; in this case they would be credited the amount of the flight 和 would make their own round-trip travel booking.
  • Special considerations: Is this program the right fit for you?



    Free time/Independence: Variable

    • 学生将参加课堂和班级活动(包括定期的实地考察), 早上9点开始.m. Some days will end at noon/1 p.m.; other days will be full day trips, arriving back at residence halls at 5 p.m. 或晚.  
    • Most evenings 和 weekends are free time, 但是学校鼓励学生们走出去和同学们一起探索. 项目负责人将在空闲时间安排可选活动,并支持学生规划自己的周末活动.
    • 想要独立探索的学生将有很多机会和灵活性去追求自己的兴趣.
    • Students will live in residence halls, 设有厨房, 和 shop for/prepare most of their own meals.
    • 学术支持将由里程碑教师提供.

    Physical Dem和s 和 Accessibility: Moderate
    我们的短途旅行将包括在城市和农村地区散步, often on cobblestones or uneven grassy ground. We will 访问 museums 和 art galleries; accessibility may vary. 在都柏林,学生们将使用公共交通工具(公共汽车)四处旅行. 在戈尔韦, most amenities are within walking distance, 和 there is a shuttle van from our residences into town.

    Transitions: Low to Moderate
    我们在两个地方各住10晚,第二周的周三搬家. The schedule includes several days a week in a classroom, regular daily excursions, varying from a few hours to a full day.

    都柏林是一个大城市, 虽然这所大学的校园很宽敞,没有城市的感觉. Galway is a smaller city, but both city centres can be bustling, with a lot of people 和 sights 和 sounds to experience. 学生将有自己的房间,在舒适和现代化的宿舍.

    Language Difficulty: Low

  • What are the prerequisites for this program?



    • Good academic st和ing (GPA of 2.0或以上)
    • WRT1011
    • EDU1011 or EDU1001

    OR permission of the department chair, 凯蒂Roquemore

  • Who are the program leaders?

    Sarah Glennon的照片学术总监: 莎拉Glennon, 写作教授

    Professor 莎拉Glennon received a B.A. in English from Hartwick College 和 an M.A. in English from Boston University. 自1991年以来,她一直在地标学院教授写作和文学,她目前是学院的写作课程协调员.

    格伦农教授喜欢教授和讨论爱尔兰文学, 简·奥斯丁, 这部小说, 这篇文章, 和 the writing process 和 pedagogy.

    Photo of professor 梅格Baronian项目负责人: 梅格Baronian, Associate Professor of English


    Professor Baronian earned her B.A. in Writing from Barnard College 和 B.F.A. in Writing from Bard College.

  • What is the cost of this program?


    Cost of this program will include:

    • 3学分的课程
    • 集团航班
    • In-country transportation
    • Field trips 和 housing
    • Health insurance for the duration of the program
    • 一些团体餐

    Student spending can vary depending on the individual. Additional costs include:

    • 大多数食物. Budget-friendly restaurant options are often available, 和 students will have access to a kitchen, 包括一台微波炉, in all their accommodations.
    • 业余活动
    • 手机费用,如果学生计划激活漫游计划或购买本地SIM卡
    • 洗衣
    • 纪念品、礼品等.
    • Additional baggage fees beyond the first checked bag
  • Are scholarships available?


    L和mark College的“全球参与”奖学金提供高达项目费用50%的奖学金. 奖学金以需要为基础,一般每个项目有1 - 2个奖学金名额.

  • What is the application process?

    Application Process 和 Pre-departure Group Meetings

    Click the link at the top of the sidebar on this page to apply. The application deadline is Sunday, February 11, 2024.

    Please note the following important dates:

    • Application deadline: Sunday, February 11, 2024
    • Admissions notification date: Friday, February 16, 2024
    • 入学确认和存款截止日期:2024年2月26日(星期一)
    • Group pre-departure meeting: Friday, May 10, 2024
  • Information for Accepted Students

    被录取的学生必须完成以下内容,并在周一之前将其提交给海外留学办公室(Lewis 215), 2月26日:

    1. Release 和 Indemnification Agreement
    2. 健康的形式
    3. 护照复印件

    Students must be sure to read the L和mark College Conditions of Participation, referenced in the Release form.
