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Lauren Orser ‘22

Student Lauren Orser"A lot of my friends wouldn’t be here either if it wasn't for financial aid, which means they probably wouldn’t be in college at all."

Attending Landmark College has given me a future I might not have otherwise had – and to thank you for playing a role in that future through your support of the 年度基金. 

Truthfully, I didn’t really want to go to college. In middle school and high school, I was bullied by other students—and even teachers—because of my learning difference. I had to switch school districts a couple of times because it was so bad. I just didn’t see how college would be any better than high school.  

My speech therapist told my mother about Landmark College, and we attended an open house during my junior year. I was very good at hiding my LD by that time, and I was terrified to go to a school associated with learning differences. I had been judged all my life because of my LD.  When Landmark students started coming up and talking to me, I realized everyone was just like me, and I began to think maybe college was a good idea after all.  

今年春天, I will graduate with my Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Entrepreneurial Leadership, and I rely on financial aid to help pay for my education. I work as an RA and campus ambassador, and I apply for any scholarships for which I am eligible. The awards I’ve received, such as the Presidential Persistence Scholarship, have really helped. 

A lot of my friends wouldn’t be here either if it wasn't for financial aid, which means they probably wouldn’t be in college at all. When I was touring other colleges, ones that don’t specialize in LD like Landmark, I learned I would have to pay extra fees on top of tuition to get basic help (maybe not even good help) in order to make it through. Please consider supporting the Landmark College 年度基金 with a gift. This college and the money you donate for scholarships, has helped so many students, including myself, find bright futures. 谢谢你!. 


Lauren Orser ‘22 
