L和mark College Institute for 研究 和 培训


LCIRT webinars bring you up-to-date information 和 re搜索-based practices for supporting students with learning disabilities (LD), 注意力缺陷多动症, 或自闭症. 它们的成本效益很高, 为个人和学校社区提供专业发展的有效途径.


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  • 高等教育的新可及性:小组讨论(免费)

    博士主持. 凯瑟琳·阿基诺助理教授 & 行政部门助理主席 & 教学领导,St. 约翰的大学.

    最近的国家和国际事件(例如.g., 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 社会正义运动, 人工智能在教育领域的扩展已经改变了高等教育对可及性的看法. Join contributors to the forthcoming book The New Accessibility in Higher Education (to be published by Oxford University Press in 2025), 讨论如何确定无障碍障碍以及如何重新设想和改善无障碍. 小组讨论将以简短的问答时间结束.




  • 改善残疾服务网站:接触学生的技巧和建议

    我们都知道, 许多残疾学生没有在专上残疾服务办公室登记. One common explanation for lack of registration 和 disclosure is that students with disabilities are uncertain about how to register/disclose. Disability 服务 websites are gateways for enrolled 和 prospective students seeking information about disability-related accommodations, 服务, 以及高校的政策. 基于最近的三项全国性研究, the presenters have identified significant gaps in information presented about disability 服务 和 programs on institutional websites. Join us for a discussion of how we can improve our disability 服务 websites 和 hear tips 和 suggestions for better reaching students with disabilities.

    主持人: Manju Banerjee博士.D.亚当·拉洛博士.D.

  • 消除学习障碍:减少课堂认知负荷(免费)!)

    主持人: 易卜拉欣Dahlstrom-Hakki, Ph.D.

    描述: Students struggle in the classroom for a wide range of reasons 和 often due to factors that are irrelevant to a particular lesson’s learning goals. These barriers to learning are often subtle 和 are rarely obvious to those who don’t experience them personally. This webinar will introduce some of the most common unnecessary cognitive loads faced by students with disabilities 和 other struggling learners. Participants will gain an underst和ing of how these loads impact student performance 和 learn about some strategies that can be used to reduce those loads 和 improve learner performance.



  • 目的地教育:支持有学习差异的学生寻找大学

    推荐者: 亚当·拉洛博士.D.


    在找大学的过程中,你有兴趣帮助有学习差异的学生吗? In this presentation a former admission officer (和 a current L和mark College Institute for 研究 和 培训 staff member) will discuss tips that you can use to assist your students with learning differences as they face common college 搜索 obstacles.

  • Manipulatives for High School 和 College STEM: How Non-Mathematicians Can Support Students’ Comprehension 和 Computation

    推荐者: 易卜拉欣Dahlstrom-Hakki博士.D.

    Manipulatives are commonly used in elementary education to introduce concepts to students in the math 和 science classroom, 但随着学生在教育上的进步,这些工具通常会逐渐被淘汰. This session will provide a framework 和 some examples for the use of manipulatives to support struggling learners at the secondary 和 postsecondary levels. Participants will learn how they can facilitate students developing a better underst和ing of key concepts 和 gaining proficiency in computation in these STEM disciplines.


  • 协助执行功能“指挥”:学生英语教学的实用策略

    推荐者: 里克·布里克博士.D.

    我们将探讨执行功能(EF)作为乐队指挥的隐喻. 即, EF有助于增加过于安静的功能(“激活”), 它会压制声音太大的部分(“抑制性控制”)。, 它会记录所有个体玩家的时间和内容(“工作记忆”)。. 那是一大堆要处理的工作, 和 sometimes the conductor needs help—practical tools for supporting students in these three domains of EF (activation, 抑制, 以及工作记忆)将在本次网络研讨会中进行演示.


  • 理解和消除数学障碍:非数学家如何帮助学习数学的学生, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和自闭症

    推荐者: 易卜拉欣Dahlstrom-Hakki博士.D.

    为什么具有各种优势和挑战的学生在数学内容上挣扎? 为什么学生在某些数学课上表现很好,而在其他数学课上表现不好? 数学专业的学生能熟练掌握甚至精通数学吗? 本次网络研讨会将探讨导致学习障碍学生的各种认知障碍, 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症患者在数学和科学课堂上挣扎. Attendees will learn ways to support students outside the classroom in order to improve their academic performance. This session is designed for instructors 和 academic support staff 和 does not assume expert knowledge of mathematics.


  • 乘风破浪:如何运用情绪调节科学促进成功学习

    推荐人:Cyrus Shaoul博士.D.

    你见过学生情绪化的表现吗, 面对学业压力时的自我破坏和看似非理性的行为? 情绪调节能力差的学生通常存在学习差异. 强烈的情绪状态, 比如焦虑, 能深刻影响关键的认知过程吗, 反过来, 会严重阻碍学习. 消极的课堂经历与糟糕的情绪调节有关,可能导致学生辍学. This webinar covers current scientific underst和ing of the neuro-biological processes of emotion-cognition regulation 和 how they impact behavior. 当我们深入研究情绪调节策略时,我们将专注于实用的想法和最佳实践, 尤其是最有前途和可教的策略之一, 认知重新评价.


  • 学习第二语言的挑战:教不同学习方式的学生

    推荐者: 琳达·赫克,硕士.Ed.

    This webinar addresses the puzzling question of what makes learning a second language extraordinarily difficult for some students. 它探讨了以下问题的研究文献:

    • 语言学习的认知基础是什么?语言、记忆和注意是如何相互作用的?
    • 为什么有风险的学生在外语课上不及格?

    The webinar will examine these questions by presenting the latest thinking about a theoretical framework that explains second language learning difficulties in cognitive terms. The session includes simulations of second language learning difficulties designed to give instructors insights 和 empathy for students’ challenges. 本文还在研究的基础上提出了有效的第二语言教学建议, 文献综述, 和 nearly 30 years of classroom practice developed in L和mark College’s highly successful Foreign Language programs. It includes suggestions for structuring Foreign Language programs 和 for specific classroom approaches 和 materials.


  • 执行功能在学术阅读中的作用

    推荐者: 琳达·赫克,硕士.Ed.

    本次网络研讨会探讨了执行功能障碍对学术阅读的具体影响, 包括阅读耐力, 量阅读, 批判性阅读. 我们将提供教学策略,以提高阅读理解和记忆, 关注信息文本. Both traditional multi-sensory approaches 和 technology tools will be considered as ways to support more efficient reading.


  • 改变学生的心态:所有教育工作者必须知道的

    主持人: Manju Banerjee博士.D.

    近年来, there has been growing excitement around re搜索 by Carol Dweck 和 colleagues that demonstrates a shift in “mindset” from a fixed to a growth mindset can promote positive learning outcomes. 这项研究的意义是巨大的, ranging from new student orientations 和 残疾服务学生入学s at the postsecondary level to 写作中的项目 at the secondary level. Drawing on our own experience in conducting a mindset shift intervention with at-risk high school students during a three-week transition to college program (2015), we will share re搜索 findings 和 insights on ways to implement elements of the “mindset framework” in classroom teaching, 残疾服务学生入学, 写作中的项目, 和更多的.


  • 使用思维导图软件促进写作

    推荐者: 易卜拉欣Dahlstrom-Hakki博士.D.

    对许多学生来说,为学术写作写一个有用的提纲是一项艰巨的任务, 尤其是那些有执行功能障碍和语言学习障碍的人. 许多学生不知道从哪里开始,也不知道如何组织他们的想法. Mind Mapping Apps provide a powerful solution that helps students translate their ideas into a visual format that is easy to manipulate.

