
配套博客 的声音是Landmark College的学生刊物



作者:Jaser Crespo-Camacho

就像许多其他曾经习以为常的事情一样, 2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)使大学寄宿的后勤工作变成了一件复杂的事情. 因为政府的命令改变了社会准则, 因此,寄宿教育指南也必须修改.

在过去, residents on campus could freely visit their friends' dorms and gather unmasked, 宿舍内外都有. 在如此短的时间内,这是不可想象的.

罗伯特·鲁茨, 弗罗斯特学院的院长, said that the workload of those in his position has increased: there have been more reports of rule-breaking due to failures to social distance or adhere to the mandatory mask-wearing mandate.

Lutz said that the best solution to the rule-breaking is education - teaching students why these rules are in place is a more effective way to handle the situation then outright punishment. 在教育方面加倍投入, Robert finds that refreshing this information is key for students to absorb it, which is why regular informative videos and hall meetings have been a successful effort from his perspective.

根据卢茨的说法, new students for the fall of 2020 present different challenges by comparison to the new crop students last year. COVID-19 is just another layer in a series of factors that can make the transition to a new college difficult. 新生必须适应大学生活, 坐落在一个遥远的土地上的许多学生, 他们中的一些人是第一次离开家. 在所有的压力之上, they must also deal with the invisible enemy that threatens nearly every facet of normalcy.

This has caused an increase in stress for all Landmark students of course but newcomers in particular may indeed find the greatest difficulties in transitioning. This is of course at odds with the addage that Landmark was built to help students navigate through the speedbumps their learning disabilities while simultaneously adjusting to college in general, which would be stressful enough without the threat of a pandemic to contend with. With that said, Lutz believes Landmark is doing a commendable job protecting their students.

学生们对权威人物的态度也有所不同. According to RA Katlyn Brooks, students would be happy to see an RA in the past. This year however, students assume they are in trouble when an RA addresses them. COVID-19 has created somewhat of a rift between the RAs and their dorm mates. 有人可能会说,这并不奇怪约翰·伍德面对镜头微笑的照片.不断上升的, considering a lot of behaviors that were considered harmless for years have now become major issues, 这会导致某种形式的惩罚吗.

Despite the impediments at hand, the majority of Resident Deans expressed hope for the future. Resident Deans John Wood (pictured right) and Fabio Arnaldo Ayala credit tools like Microsoft Teams as being a safe and powerful resource to use going forward, 不管未来会怎样, 与住在校内或校外的学生. Both view Landmark College as being quite successful in dealing with COVID-19 so far. 尽管整体上有更远距离的体验, the new prohibition of ‘free-roaming’ through other halls has resulted in students interacting with their dorm mates more frequently. 通过强制隔离每个宿舍的社区, 组织更紧密, 当地居民正在形成社区.

感谢你让今年的居家生活成为可能, John Wood has high praise for some of the college’s staff members in particular, 表示“希望如此”, 有人给杰夫·休耶特颁发了一枚奖章,以表彰他在医疗服务方面所做的贡献.” John believes that much of this school year’s success can be attributed to the efforts of Mr. Huyett, 谁, 除了处理卫生服务署长的职位之外, also serves in an advisory role to Landmark College’s Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT). 他以冷静和专业的方式解决问题和担忧, 伍德认为, that if anything on campus is working from a health safety perspective, 休耶特应该为此得到一些赞扬.

布里奇斯·查姆利摄另一个问题, 哪个可能不太为人所知, concerns the logistical disadvantages that befall the Chumley and Bridges residential complexes (pictured left). 一个有问题的方面是,由于距离的调节方式, 住标准宿舍的学生不能参观这些宿舍, 对于新生来说, 他们不会知道地标的高档住宅是什么样的. 伍德认为,, 那为了维持欲望就越昂贵, 高端住宅, the college could provide videos to show people what life in Chumley and Bridges looks like. 另一方面, an additional conundrum that arises is that because of the current isolation procedures and given the very small amount of students in each Bridge or Chumley building, those living in these quarters get to socialize with far fewer residents than those in the traditional dorms, 从而剥夺了他们完整的居住体验.

Ayala points out that he has noticed quite an adaptation from not just core college operations but also the extracurricular community programming that is offered. 许多节目和活动都搬到了户外. 例如,电影放映在很大程度上已经成为一种户外活动. Ayala thinks the community has taken well to the new rules and regulations in general. Questions remain about whether all modifications will rescind once COVID-19 is finally in the rearview mirror. 并非所有的变化都是负面的, 因为法比奥认为在线会议应该成为一种永久的选择, 仅仅是因为它的方便.

Fabio also had some praise to share, specifically naming the efforts of President Peter Eden. 他特别高兴的是,总统把所有的问题都考虑到了. 规划预防和损害控制,最坏情况等. To Fabio Ayala, the president had left no stone unturned leading up to this semester. True leadership is taking the situation seriously and addressing all the dangers as well as possible.

整体观点是希望、成功和乐观. 学院的住院者们, at times been desperate for an air of freedom thanks to restrictions created by the COVID-19 situation. But as time passes and the school adapts, things become more bearable as they become the new norm. 希望, the end of our collective COVID-19 nightmare will prove to be sooner than later so things can go back to normal. Until then, the Landmark’s residents will continue to adapt to, and cope with the restrictions. 但即使经历了彻底(但必要)的蜕变,我们也都经历了, 看来未来似乎比预期的要光明.


