


Text by student Trinket Guth

日本 is very different from America. That means that whenever there is a similarity, it stands out to me.

First, 日本 has adopted and adapted western food. Fast food exists all over Tokyo, and most of the menu is the same. A Denny’s is right down the street from our hotel, and while most of the menu is very adapted to 日本ese tastes, I consistently think about trying the pancakes to see if they taste the same.

Secondly, kids are the same. 确定, they are often able to navigate Tokyo’s labyrinthine train system by themselves, but they are still much like kids at home. 婴儿哭, toddlers stare up at you with big wide eyes, and high schoolers go out to the mall with friends on weekends.

Lastly, music is the same. 是的, you’re very unlikely to run into a jpop concert at any American shopping mall, but there is constantly English music playing in
餐馆和商店. It can be odd to be in a country where I don’t speak the language but know a lot of the popular music.

So sure, 日本 is very different, but keep an eye out for similarities if you visit.

Page from a 日本ese Denny's menu
