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Summer Institute 2019 Keynote: Dr. 莎莉•斯科特 on Universal Design 2.0

We were honored to have Dr. 莎莉•斯科特 as our opening Keynote Speaker at this year's Summer Institute for Educators. Dr. 斯科特 is Senior 研究er for the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) and the National Center on College 学生 with Disabilities. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia. Her experience includes working as director of disability resources and faculty member on multiple campuses, including the University of Mary Washington, the University of Connecticut, and the University of Georgia. She is the former editor of the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability and has recently published a new book entitled, Disability and World Language Learning. She has presented extensively on topics related to Universal Design, college students with disabilities, and postsecondary disability program development. She currently leads AHEAD’s initiative to promote the use of evidence-based practices and re搜索 in the field of postsecondary disability.


Her Keynote was titled Universal Design 2.0: Tipping Points and Beyond and she challenged us to think about what we currently know about Universal Design and set new priorities for re搜索 and practice. In this excerpt of her presentation, Dr. 斯科特, discusses themes that have emerged from several recent systematic reviews of Universal Design re搜索.

