
研究 & 培训的博客

Neurodivergent 学生 Excel in 研究ing Classroom Distractions

作者:亚当·R. Lalor

2022年秋季, four 具有里程碑意义的大学 students embarked on a comprehensive re搜索 project on Neurodiverse College 学生 和 Classroom Distractions as part of the 具有里程碑意义的大学 Institute for 研究 和 培训 研究 Mentorship Program. The four students – Julia Gray, 亚历克斯·拉森, 亚历克斯·马林, 和 Claudia Sherman – were all passionate about psychology, but had not yet had authentic re搜索 experiences. What transpired over the course of the 2022-2023 academic year produced actionable re搜索 results for faculty about distractions 和 proved that neurodivergent students could not only do re搜索 in the educational sciences but excel at it if provided the opportunity!

The four student-re搜索ers decided to investigate the perceived impact of peer distraction on neurodivergent students in the college classroom. Having encountered this experience personally, they believed that better underst和ing the issue could prove beneficial to instructors 和 students alike. Through the fall 2022 semester, they conducted literature reviews, developed instruments, 和 prepared documents for the College’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), which provides oversight on re搜索 ethics. Although Julia 和 Alex M. graduated at the end of fall 2022, Alex L. 和 Claudia pushed forward in spring 2023, 收集数据, analyzing data using statistical analyses, 和, 最终, disseminating their findings to the 具有里程碑意义的大学 community through a series of presentations. Their findings proved interesting to the community 和 have prompted discussion about implications at the College. Now, the team moves on to writing a manuscript based on their study.

What did college students find most distracting in the classroom?  Click on the image below to read the re搜索ers’ summary slides showing key results.

研究 Mentorship on Distractions cover slide
